Saturday, January 14, 2017

Trucking Right Along

Two weeks into 2017 and I'm still on schedule for projects I want to finish this year. What schedule? This schedule:

This requires a short backstory. Halfway through 2016 I discovered that I'm much more productive on the weekends if I make a list of goals I want to achieve. In the past, I'd get so caught up in all of the things I wanted to do that I'd get overwhelmed, shut down and just play video games or watch TV all day. Some of the goals were kind of "no brainers" like laundry or pay credit card. Other goals were much more important such as change the oil in my Jeep or schedule vet appointments for the cats. When Sunday night rolls around I could look at my list and feel a sense of accomplishment because of all the items I checked off the list.

Enter the 2017 Hobby List. I figured that if I had success every weekend in getting stuff done, I could make a weekly or monthly list of projects I want to complete to keep myself focused and on task. I printed out a calendar for 2017 and looked over all of the projects I wanted to work on and made a schedule for every week. I'm operating at a 100% success rate so far and I'm very pleased about that.

This week I assembled some terminators and scouts I still had on sprues and finished the terrain piece for the FLGS. I have yet to deliver the piece, the shop owner was out of the shop today, but I'll deliver it tomorrow and take pictures at the shop. Here are the scouts and termies:

That isn't a legal terminator squad. I just wanted options since I have about 15 of the older metal terminators. Blood Angels have an interesting terminator formation so I will end up with at least 5 more assault terminators with lightning claws.

Unfortunately, my schedule this week has hit a little snag. I need more bases for some projects. I called up the FLGS and while he can usually get stuff within a week, I guess the bases are direct orders and haven't arrived yet. I'll have to move some projects around and see where that takes me.

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