Sunday, December 25, 2016

Seasons Greetings!

First post just to test things out.

I'm using a blog to hold myself accountable for some wargames projects I want to complete in the year 2017.

First up, I want to complete my 28mm Blood Angels army for Warhammer 40k by Games Workshop.

Second, I want to complete two armies in 6mm for some solo wargaming using a modified version of 3rd Edition Warhammer 40k by Games Workshop.

Third, paint terrain for the FLGS because he pays in store credit which will offset the completion of my Blood Angels army.

Fourth and Fifth, and these are stretch goals here, start a "bad guy" army for Warhammer 40k and develop my own rules system for sci-fi wargames.

So, with all that written out, I've got about a week to really analyze my collection, make some goals, put the goals into list form and get cracking on a productive 2017.

1 comment:

  1. This is what I use my hobby blog for. Hope it works well for you. Kind of addictive as well but you do get to meet (even if only online) a lot of great fellow wargamers and modellers. Good luck and Happy Painting in 2017.
